The USA Regional Trade Center in Sharjah has a mission to promote trade and investment between the United States and the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia (MENASA) region. The free zone offers various advantages to businesses, including complete foreign ownership, 100% repatriation of capital and profits, and

exemption from personal and corporate taxes. The free zone also offers state-of-the- art facilities and infrastructure, including warehousing, office space, and logistic support.

The USARTC aims to facilitate business connections between the United States and MENASA serves as a one-stop-shop for American SMEs seeking to establish a foothold in the region. The center provides a range of services, including market research, business matchmaking, legal and financial assistance, and support for visa and immigration procedures. The USARTC also organizes trade missions, exhibitions, and seminars to help SMEs expand their networks and gain visibility in the MENASA region.

Overall, the USA Regional Trade Center in Sharjah is a valuable resource for American SMEs looking to enter the MENASA market and benefit from the strategic location, favorable business environment, and growing demand for goods and services in the region.

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