The International Humanitarian City (IHC) was established by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum in 2003 with the aim of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian operations. IHC is a non-profit organization that is not affiliated with any religion or political party and was established as an independent authority by the government.

IHC provides facilities and services for the international operations of nonprofit organizations and corporate suppliers, with the goal of creating a suitable setting within a defined legal framework to encourage collaboration and social responsibility. The free zone offers businesses the opportunity to operate from a highly advantageous location in a free zone setting that is tailored to their specific sector, while also taking advantage of incentives and a wide range of value-added services.

One of the key benefits of IHC is its focus on providing a platform for collaboration and coordination among humanitarian organizations. By bringing together a range of nonprofit organizations and corporate suppliers, IHC aims to create a more efficient and effective system for responding to humanitarian crises and delivering aid to those in need.

Overall, the establishment of IHC has played an important role in supporting the humanitarian sector in Dubai and the wider region. By providing a platform for collaboration and coordination, as well as facilities and services tailored to the needs

of humanitarian organizations, IHC has helped to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian operations and support those in need.

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