Dubai Outsource City (DOC) is a free zone that was established to cater to the outsourcing needs of businesses in Dubai. Outsourcing is a popular strategy for companies to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and DOC provides a reliable location for such operations. The free zone offers support for call centers, business process outsourcing, back-office tasks, and HR outsourcing.

More than 120 businesses already operate their back-office and outsourced operations at DOC, which offers the necessary platform, facilities, and infrastructure for companies to establish their outsourcing business in the United Arab Emirates. A wide range of industries, including internet, technical assistance, multimedia software, marketing, advertising, telecommunications, IT sector, and others are welcome to participate in the region.

DOC's strategic location allows it to serve demands from outside of the region, including those from Europe, the US, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. By offering a reliable and cost-effective location for outsourcing operations, DOC helps businesses in Dubai to save money and increase efficiency, making it an attractive location for outsourcing firms looking to establish a presence in the region.

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