DuBiotech offers a variety of benefits to the businesses established in the free zone, including 100% foreign ownership, 100% exemption from corporate and personal income tax, and no currency restrictions. It also provides access to state-of-the-art infrastructure, including advanced laboratory facilities, modern office spaces, and access to a well-established academic and research community. The free zone also offers a fast and efficient company setup process, allowing businesses to start operating quickly and efficiently.

DuBiotech has become a leading hub for biotechnology and pharmaceutical research in the Middle East and has attracted several global corporations, including Pfizer, Amgen, and Merck, to establish their presence in the region. The free zone’s focus on research and innovation has also led to the establishment of a thriving ecosystem of startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) focused on developing cutting-edge technologies and products in the life sciences industry.

Overall, DuBiotech provides a unique opportunity for businesses and investors looking to establish their presence in the fast-growing biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in the Middle East, offering a supportive and innovative environment for growth and success.

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